Friday, August 31, 2018

How Your Data Is The Driving Fuel For Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever wondered why tech giants are allowing you to store your data on their servers for free ?

Or rather think about how social media can identify your friends and you in your pictures automatically? 

They are giving us their servers for free cloud storage in gigabytes to store all our different kinds of documents, photos, videos without even asking for a single penny.

It's not just the target advertising that these tech giants are interested in but they want something more from us. They want our data for developing Artificial intelligence. 

AI in simple terms is nothing but machines being able to interact with the environment just like as we humans do. To make this possible and interact with the surroundings the machine has to learn about different objects that exists in its environment. 

Learning is not easy for a machine. Machines currently don't have the same ability to learn as we humans do.To learn about how to identify different objects in the world, we first need to understand how we humans learn. 

Let us take a scenario of new baby in our family. We have to introduce every new object that the baby comes across for couple of times to make sure that the baby recognises the object, next time when he/she sees one.

But machines are not intelligent beings like us humans, at least not till now , so to make them identify an object, suppose a bird, they need algorithms, it's a fancy word for a set of logical steps, and to develop these logical steps for a machine to identify a particular object, the algorithm developers need lots and lots of data. 

They need data about the same object in different positions, backgrounds, weather etc to create the most efficient and effective algorithm. So that in future these machines can identify these objects on their own by running the algorithm that are being designed today.

Collection of such large amount of data was not possible before the era of smart phones and cloud computing. It is now in this era that we have all the three technologies required, the collection of data from smartphones and laptops, the storage from such large storage servers and processing of algorithms from advance hardware .

Now as from the above paragraph it is clearly evident that effectiveness and efficiency of machine learning is directly dependent on the data. 

Though these tech giants can capture lots and lots of data on their own but why they want our data? 

The only reason is that they can have it for free and our data is more realistic and authentic, we are not capturing data, we are just clicking moments from our real life trips, gatherings without having to focus that it will be used to train the machines , thus making it very authentic rather it being like a test sample. 

Though it is not completely wrong for them to use our data for the progress of AI, but are they really telling us this? Are they buying our data from us? A simple answer is No, they are collecting it for free, keeping us in an illusion that they are giving us something( cloud storage) for free. 

Another big question is that, are they only using our data just for the benefit of human race, or can they manipulate us to do things by learning about us from the patterns in our data and figuring out our lifestyle, habits and personalities 

It is a very delicate topic and everybody will have his/her take on it , so I would like to leave you with this thought to think it for yourself.

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Monday, August 27, 2018

Science behind meditation and how it can change your life !!

Have you ever wondered why on some days you feel really enthusiastic about life and other days we even contemplate whether the life we are living, is it really worth living?

The reason behind this can be understood through science and you can  control how you feel, without external events disturbing your inner being.

Different emotions make your soul vibrate at different frequencies, when we feel happy it is mostly because we feel loved, accepted and appreciated. These emotions are scientifically proven to be at a higher frequency than other emotions. 

When these factors are withdrawn or put into insecurities we often start having vibrations of lower frequency that makes us feel low.

Nikola Tesla was a great innovator and scientist, he said "Just by changing the frequency of the vibrations, patterns of chaos can be changed to beautiful symmetry". 

As the frequency of our vibrations rises, so we start attracting things that are match to these high frequency vibrations in our lives. We have read about the phenomenon of resonance in junior high school "Two objects having a same natural frequency, when one of them starts vibrating at a different frequency then the other object automatically starts vibrating at the frequency of other vibrating object". 

This clearly explains  that whatever you are going  through, is just the reflection of your vibrations and if we can change the frequency of our vibrations we can attract better and more positive things in our lives. 

These vibrational frequencies can be raised through rigorous meditation. As we regularly start practising meditation, it will raise the frequency of our spiritual vibration.  A raise in frequency will automatically move us from negative emotions to positive emotions of self love and happiness. 

A simple technique to meditate is to sit in a quiet place and concentrate on your breath . It's not a easy task, it requires a daily practice. 

When we go out in the world and meet different challenges, we train our mind to stay tough and gain confidence, while if you see old people they have a very defined routine and they don't like any kind of disturbance in their routine because being at home they lose their ability to handle chaotic situations and they get anxious about everything. 

The above paragraph clearly explains that practice is the key for learning anything. Likewise, we need to take time out from our busy life, at least 20 minutes everyday, to invest in meditation and gradually our emotions of lower frequency will starts disappearing and we will start feeling bliss and calm, even though when we are going through a chaotic situation. 

Meditation not only calms our mind but also increases our concentration and if you have experienced, then every difficult task requires a lot of concentration, from software building to designing our own innovation, from creativity to thinking through a difficult situation. 

These days, most of us have a very hazy thought process and cannot focus on deeper understanding of various subjects, if we really want to improve this, then certainly meditation is the way to get you a calm mind having a great improvement in concentration. 

As we can see in this above figure that different emotions that disturb our mind, are of very low frequency and with constant meditation, we can reach from apathy, guilt , anger to a neutral state and with more progress we can reach a to a level of self love and peace. 

So, if you feel very disturbed about events that had happened to you in past, or happening to you right now, different people who make you feel depressed and you can't avoid them because you have to work with them or you have some association with them that you cannot completely cut off, then you should just meditate

Meditation will always work, it will get your mind a better concentration, a warmth in your heart,reduces depression, frustration and loneliness. So, you can handle current challenges of life with much better and calm mind. 

Try it for a couple of weeks and you will see improvement in your mood swings, your frustrations slowly going away, you will have better understanding of life and will be able to start living it to the fullest. 

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How Block Chain Will Change Everything In Upcoming Years!!

These days if you are not hiding in some cave or living a life of hermit, you must have heard this term before and though people are curious about it but they don't really understand what it is and what it can do.

Or even if people know anything about block chain, they just say it's same as bitcoin. The only thing here I can say is, Bitcoin is to block chain what email is to internet.

Now let us think about why this block chain technology evolved. The were three main reasons why this was first introduced by a Japanese Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.

1) Slow financial transactions due to multiple entries required in different bank ledgers.

2) Lack of Trust on financial institutions.

3) To eliminate intermediaries as they collect a small amount of money for every international transaction of money.

Now let's understand in the most simple term what is block chain. And how it works.

To understand what actually a block chain is let us see it's definition "A block chain is an incorruptible distributed digital ledger of transactions that can be programmed to record, virtually everything of value" 

We can have a better understanding of the block chain by looking at how a financial transaction takes place in blockchain. 

To perform a simple transaction between two people A and B, both of them need to have access to a program called wallet (In today's language it is your account). Now as only you being the owner of this wallet should be having the privilege to spend money from it, so it comes with encryption keys. A pair of public and private key.

Public key is known to other people on the network , while private key is just known to the owner of the wallet.

Whenever A wants to send some money to B for any product or services he encrypts the transaction with his private key first and then with B's public key.

This encrypted transaction gives information to different nodes (computers connected on the blockchain network) that the transaction is taking place between A and B.

Now, when transaction is about to take place, it needs to be verified. Currently the verification part of any financial transaction is being done by banks, as they maintain record of our balance in their ledgers. Similarly in case of block chain technology these ledgers (database) are maintained by all the nodes which are connected to the network and are responsible for validation of such transactions.Thus this technology is often known to be based on distributed ledger technology.

These ledgers do not maintain the information about the balance of different customers, rather they just keep track of every transactions that has taken place within the network for a particular wallet.

The verification of transaction is done by keeping track of links of incoming transactions (also called inputs) to A's wallet and comparing it with the amount of money which is being sent to B. The incoming links to A's wallet should amount to be equal or more than the amount being sent to B.

Like the above transaction, there are many other transactions, between different people on the network take place at the same time, so a fixed amount of such transactions are grouped together and a block is formed.

Every newly formed block is attached to the previous block of the existing chain of blocks (containing all the previous transactions before)

In order for this new block to be added to the block chain, every node tries to solve a complex mathematical problem created by using an irreversible hash function.The node that provides the correct solution to the problem, broadcast it to the network and when verified by other nodes, gets added to the existing block chain.

Each block contains these transactions as well as link to the previous block , thus forming a chain of blocks, thus commonly referred as block chain. The blocks are in chronological order of transaction timestamps. 

As each block contains a reference to the previous block , and that reference is part of the mathematical problem that was solved in order to spread the following block to the network. So it’s extremely hard to corrupt or change a block or series of blocks in a block chain thus making them incorruptible and permanent.

As a way of maintaining block chain due to software errors and loss of wallets password, a reward is given to those that solve the mathematical problem of each block. The activity of running the block chain software in order to obtain these rewards is called “mining” - very much like mining gold. 

This reward is the main incentive that pushes private people to operate the nodes, thus providing the necessary computing power needed to process the transactions and to stabilise the block chain network.

So, here what is different than the current way of banking transactions? 

1. Here we have distributed ledgers, unlike banks having a central database. 

2. No single organization or third party intermediaries for the processing of transactions. 

3. Better trust factor, as no one has to trust any organization or person rather just trust a concrete process of block chain. 

This way block chain will decentralised the current existing infrastructure and will provide you with a more secure and trusted solutions. 

As the blocks can contain anything in the digital format, so block chain is not limited to financial transactions, this can have anything, from health records to music to pictures, videos, land deeds to Universal id's to having a universal digital currency to supply chain information. Anything you can think of that can be put in digital content can be a part of block chain.

Let me explain a scenario, suppose we want to purchase any online course, which requires you to pay through PayPal. Now when block chain will be available, a transaction for transfer of fund can be made to the course provider's account through block chain and in return he will unlock the content for you to browse. As here we can see only peer to peer interaction between course provider and customer is happening and no other third party is required to validate the transaction. 

Likewise, suppose we want to purchase protein box in India that is manufactured in USA, from an authorised distributor or a retailer , so when that protein box started from USA, a block was added to chain, as it reaches different distributors an entry in the chain is made and finally when it reaches to the retailer in India a final entry is made to complete the supply chain. Now when the customer purchases it, he can simply verify the authenticity of the box by going through the block chain with an application in his mobile, if it reflects an uncorrupt block chain present then the product is genuine. 

Though currently block chain design still has lot of shortcomings but if the challenges are handled well then we will have better trusted peer to peer  commerce between different organisations, products and countries. So that rather they be competing with each other for having an edge , they might collaborate to give the consumers a better design and facilities.

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Friday, August 17, 2018

Artificial Intelligence, a boon or bane !!

When anyone thinks about Artificial Intelligence(A.K.A) AI, the first thing that comes to mind is the image below, courtesy, the movie terminator. And our mind starts thinking about the the struggle for survival from the machines.

Well to be clear what AI is all about, let us first study its definition, it says, "the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages." In simple terms its just saying having computer systems that can interact with the environment just like we humans do.

Now, let us understand exactly are we currently using AI, I'm sure the device on which you are reading this article is a good example of AI. Though it is still in the nascent stage but it can do a lot for us and seems quite useful too. 

So what are we looking forward to with the development of AI, machines, cobots and much more complex systems that will be designed to solve complex problems or even help in day to day tasks, from driverless cars to automated shopping (customers able to purchase without the need for cashier or check out stations). From automation in accounting to someday being diagnosed for illness by a machine, to getting served breakfast in your bed. Possibilities are endless.

Obviously, all the above makes sense and feel that this revolution can only bring happiness in our lives. Now, let us consider the shortcomings and where it can turn into a chaos. Being a person from technical background, I can tell you that working of these machines will be completely dependent on algorithms. In simple terms set of instructions fed into them to perform the required tasks.

What if the algorithm doesn't work the way it should supposed to, chances of it are huge, as it is impossible for an algorithm developer to get everything right, every single time in every single situations. Where this takes us is that though machines can always acquire intelligence but not the presence of mind. So if they have not learned about handling a new situation then they will surely fail. So to some extent you can agree that completely machines can't be trusted for critical tasks as their failure might create a havoc in someone's life.

Certainly, we can use and employ these machines for different kind of tasks but we will not be able to eliminate the humans. Any new situation will always need a human to understand it and make these machines learn about that new scenario.

The most important topic which I would like to address in this article is our jobs, as these tech giants will develop these systems, certainly people who are doing mundane jobs which are less critical, like record keeping, cashiers, house help, drivers, account book keeping will lose their jobs, if their bosses will be able to afford these machines. Only people with higher intellect will be able to survive in such conditions. Normally, when such revolution takes place the people who are well educated, change their job profile. Remember the time when computers arrived? There was a huge fear among the people of getting jobless and all of the system going paperless, however it didn't happen the way it was thought. It created more jobs but with a more sophisticated profiles.

Initially it might be difficult to adapt to the new working environment but slowly people do adapt to the new change and start working according to the new system. Every new system comes with a new guidelines, and so we as humans will have to understand, adapt and evolve.

Like today we have flexible working hours, we can work from anywhere we want, this happened with the advent of high speed internet, likewise  we might see a different era of working style, though still unpredictable but surely it will be different from what we have now.

One thing that will be of utmost importance in the times of AI will be cyber security, because if machines are working then surely hacking is possible and to make them protected we will need lot of experts who can protect these machines from getting hacked. So AI might generate lot of jobs in the field of cyber security.

Another important issue would be our privacy, as these machines will be able to recognize visual and hearing patterns, so they will be able to see and hear things, this might also generate new jobs on how to keep the machines not compromising  our privacy , nobody wants to compromise their personal life at any cost. 

As these machines will provide and take care of lot of things in the future, so we might also be having a different experience with the entertainment. Virtual reality systems will get common, having a 3D, 4D or 7D experience would be of different nature, which right now we can just imagine. VR world will give us lot of jobs and entertainment during those times. 

I feel the people who will not be able to be a part of developing systems, will become part of maintaining these systems. Just like servicing them, fixing heating issues, small issues which will not require an intervention from an engineering expert. Just like today we have a difference between an Automobile engineer and a common car mechanic.

One thing that might be difficult to address will be maintaining empathy in humans, as day by day our interaction and dependency will increase on these machines, lower will be our tolerance for any kind of nonsense. As these machines will adapt to our needs in a perfect order, so interacting with humans who might not be able to understand our need or provide us with the services we need, might be considered useless and we might not even prefer interacting with them.

Over all as far as I understand the upcoming scenario, we have to be hopeful and let this change take place gradually. Also we will be required to learn new disciplines and keep the present knowledge intact specially in case of medical professionals because if these machines will not be able to figure out the proper diagnosis, we will certainly need human expertise.

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Monday, August 13, 2018

The Art of Innovation!!

These days it is very common to here about this term 'Innovation'. Before writing more about it let us understand what exactly does it mean. Innovation in simple language means an idea 💡 that can bring a revolutionary change.

Now after having a clear definition of the term innovation, it is very important to understand what exactly the famous names like Nikola Tesla, Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison and many others had in common that they could successfully make their names as great inventors.

After reading about all of them, I came to the conclusion that they had some very common and peculiar traits that were responsible for their great success as an innovators . Here I'm going to mention these traits and explain briefly what I observed after reading or watching documentaries about them.

1) Curiosity - All of them had a great curiosity about how things worked about the topic which interested them. They were curious to an extent that they literally dreamt about their inventions during their sleep. 

2) Persistent - they were very persistent and dedicated towards their work, they had a great enthusiasm to make it happen, as if the purpose of their whole life was to get that invention done, failures never broke their spirits.

3) Deeper Understanding - They had very deep understanding of the task at hand. Sir Nikola Tesla was so clear about the understanding of his machines that he could build them in his mind, figure out the short comings, improve them and when he was finally satisfied then only he worked on them in reality. 

4) Observation and Research Skills - They were very good with observation and research skill. Wright Brothers were the owner of a bicycle manufacturing store but when they dreamt about building an air plane, they could do it by observing birds and doing research on the flight mechanism of how it maintained balance in the sky without falling down even in bad weather conditions.

5) Imagination and concentration - They had a great imagination. They could figure out the solution of most complex problems in their imagination.Here I would like to take moment to really explain the readers what exactly is meant by having a great imagination. Imagination is nothing but a state of mind in which the concentration is much higher than what it is during an ordinary task. A deep state of slumber. A common witness to it is that normally our eureka moments happen in morning when we are not fully awake nor asleep, like having a dream that is as good as experiencing reality. 

6) Investors - Certainly one last thing that is very important for anyone who aspires to be as big names as I have mentioned.They surely need an investor who could fund their idea. A simple way is to build a prototype and present it to big giants who can provide the funds and infrastructure for the development of your idea if it's really worth it !! 

These are my observations after reading about these great innovators. I feel if someone really wants to do a great inventions then they should surely possess these skills and move ahead with their idea.

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Friday, August 10, 2018

Why we should be thankful for our adversities

Whenever we go through some sort of rough patch in our life, we always think that why this is happening with us while everyone else is having a better life than us.
Let me tell you why it is always so important to go through adverse times and why we should be thankful about it.

Whenever a problem comes in our way, it's not because God or anyone wants to screw us. Any problem that comes in our life has a very different purpose than how we perceive and feel about it.

I always remember a quote from the famous scientist Albert Einstein "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." If we try to understand what he says here, it's that any kind of problem cannot be resolved from the same awareness level at which it has been created.

So somewhere we have to understand that any kind of problem that we encounter, has some kind of hidden message, and we have to increase our level of awareness to figure out, what it is and then only we can reach it's solution .

Now the question arises how do we raise our consciousness level, one way to solve  a problem is to go through the whole process which is destined for us. The experience we go through, will makes us learn where it all started and what we learned while going through the problem.

Another way to solve a complex problem is to increase our level of concentration, the better we can concentrate on what might be the root cause of our misery, the quicker we can can figure out the best possible solution. Either to solve the problem or how to deal and live with it.
Haven't we all have experienced that the same problem keeps bugging us again and again till the time we learn how to change ourselves and outlive the problem.So it is really very important for us to understand what exactly the problem is trying to teach us in the broader perspective.

So every difficult situation of life is just there to make us grow from where we are to where should be.

We should never let our problems get our morale down. All of us are here to become a better individual by the end of this human experience than when we were born.

It's the experience of the adverse times that makes us humble and gives us the feeling of gratitude. So if we will try to change our perception about the problems, we will be able to fix them quickly and appreciate every chaos we go through.
We should always remember that every chaos is a beginning of growth and learning, and efforts are required to learn new things. We should not turn ourselves into becoming a problem by having a negative attitude towards it rather think about it with an open mind to solve it. 
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Monday, August 6, 2018

Relationship changes in the Indian society in 21st century

In today's society somewhere every couple feels lost and dissatisfied with their partner, so I gave a deep thought on what exactly has changed in the present times.

I feel today it's the women that has evolved into this new avatar. Thirty years back when I was a school going kid, so were the girls but as an individual nobody knew that it will create such a massive impact on the Indian society.

Back in our school days, most of the mothers were home makers and only fathers were working, though there were adjustments but there was a clear demarcation of responsibility among the couples.

Now when this generation grew up and it became a common practice for both the genders to do job and enjoy the freedom of outside world equally the rigidity has increased.

So now as both the partners are working and have their priorities set. There is very less adjustment possible in these rules as  these priorities are not just governed by the individuals rather by the firms for which the people are working.

Also the household division of work has changed and women have started expecting men to take more responsibility from grocery shopping to sharing kitchen chores.

Men being new to this change have been constantly struggling as it has never been their forte to handle household chores.

However, for women, who were learning to prepare for job in different profiles at different firms from school to college to grad school , handling this new change is easier in comparison to their male partners.

In my opinion what men have to understand is to keep in par with today's advancement, we do have to learn a lot of household responsibilities too, so in future we can carry out both, our work and household responsibilities with ease. This will not only give men an edge but also sort out lot of struggles which were non existing in the previous generations.

Also I would like to mention that though women have an edge in this generation but they should understand this fact from men's perspective, men are just novice in handling all the new responsibilities and women should be patient for this change.

Men have always been in the driver seat and are use to the affection, pampering and motivation from their better half which has also changed due to the busy life and the above social changes. 

Women should also let this change happen gradually for their partner and till the time their partners are not prepared psychologically and emotionally, they should not to crib and not be very critical about their partners.

Another important thing that women should keep in mind is that though they have earned their freedom with job but they can't completely give up on household chores. In household chores they have to keep doing whatever they can, to the best of their ability.

So it's best for both the sexes to have a proper understanding of this situation, so proper adjustments can be made and lot of power play can be avoided for a better and harmonious life.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Why Indians need a healthier lifestyle

As the Indian middle class has evolved with the advent of multinationals and different private job profiles, things have dramatically changed over the years from the past decades.

Though the average income of middle class  has increased from what it was twenty years back, so has the work load and stress required to deal with uncertainties of life in today's times.

We don't have such better health care policies like in the western countries. Our working hours are also not limited to strict 8 hours a day. 

I have seen families having unnecessary liabilities of long medical bills which are not being covered up under any insurance plans. 

As a matter of fact if you are covered under the insurance policy then more often than not hospitals will make you pay a lot more than  genuine treatment amount. 

We are also aware of the different cases of credible hospitals, which have become so commercialized that they are just no more for curing the patients. They also think about the expansion of their facilities and creating their own brand name. 

Smoking, drinking and eating junk food are just the most common ways we use to cope up with stress. Even eating out isn't really healthy but has become our necessity due to busy life and tough schedules. 

How many times do we really think about burning the calories that we have consumed, or woke up with a mindset that today we will have at least one healthy meal. 

Late night working hours are so common for everyone of us, this was not there in the previous generation. Meeting the deadline has become so important that we certainly have to make lot of sacrifices at personal level.

This not only makes us feel bad but reduces our association with friends and family, which in turn don't stand for us in bad times being neglected during our career building. 

It is a reality that if we fall sick or get any kind of desease that might take us time to recover, our firms will not bat an eye to fire us from the job. Further putting us under the financial constraint to persue our treatment. 

Keeping in mind the above factors are a reality for the work force in India, it is really important for us to take care of our health. Human body has a limit to take exertion and if we are exerting ourselves, it is our fundamental duty to provide the best nutrition and rest possible to heal it back.  

After some research, I'm putting down some points, which can be followed for ensuring a better health in the current lifestyle.

1)Make sure you do some kind of exercise everyday as simple as walk for 30 minutes to keep your stamina, muscles and posture upright. 

2) Consume some kind of super food like honey which will give you energy and increase your metabolism as well as provide lot of nutrients to your body.

3) Have dry fruits like walnut and almonds. 

4) Consume protein regularly. You can have in natural foods forms or supplements like whey protein. 

5) Have green vegetables in any form. Even a bowl of soup would do. 

6) Have a routine like eat on time, sleep on time as far as possible.

7) Don't skip breakfast. 

8) Eat a heavy breakfast, moderate lunch and light dinner. 

9) Reduce drinking and smoking. Even if you do it regularly just don't exploit your body.

10) Limiting the use of phones and other electronic devices as they are high radiation emitting devices. 

11) Switch off Wi-Fi before sleeping, it's radiations are harmful for kids.

12) Sleep at least for 6-7 hours a day.

13) Vegetarians should make sure that they consume multivitamins as they have common deficiency for vitamin B12, D3 and magnesium. 

14) Drink lots of water to keep hydrated and a younger skin

15) Check your weight regularly.

16) Develop a healthy hobby like playing a sport.

All the above points may look difficult to inculcate in daily lifestyle but as the saying goes it just takes 21 days to develop a habit of anything.

Taking good care of ourselves can really save us from lot of misery.

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Why are the kids depressed?

These days I have seen lot of kids struggling to feel happy about life and being depressed for no reason. To be honest, it ...