Monday, August 13, 2018

The Art of Innovation!!

These days it is very common to here about this term 'Innovation'. Before writing more about it let us understand what exactly does it mean. Innovation in simple language means an idea 💡 that can bring a revolutionary change.

Now after having a clear definition of the term innovation, it is very important to understand what exactly the famous names like Nikola Tesla, Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison and many others had in common that they could successfully make their names as great inventors.

After reading about all of them, I came to the conclusion that they had some very common and peculiar traits that were responsible for their great success as an innovators . Here I'm going to mention these traits and explain briefly what I observed after reading or watching documentaries about them.

1) Curiosity - All of them had a great curiosity about how things worked about the topic which interested them. They were curious to an extent that they literally dreamt about their inventions during their sleep. 

2) Persistent - they were very persistent and dedicated towards their work, they had a great enthusiasm to make it happen, as if the purpose of their whole life was to get that invention done, failures never broke their spirits.

3) Deeper Understanding - They had very deep understanding of the task at hand. Sir Nikola Tesla was so clear about the understanding of his machines that he could build them in his mind, figure out the short comings, improve them and when he was finally satisfied then only he worked on them in reality. 

4) Observation and Research Skills - They were very good with observation and research skill. Wright Brothers were the owner of a bicycle manufacturing store but when they dreamt about building an air plane, they could do it by observing birds and doing research on the flight mechanism of how it maintained balance in the sky without falling down even in bad weather conditions.

5) Imagination and concentration - They had a great imagination. They could figure out the solution of most complex problems in their imagination.Here I would like to take moment to really explain the readers what exactly is meant by having a great imagination. Imagination is nothing but a state of mind in which the concentration is much higher than what it is during an ordinary task. A deep state of slumber. A common witness to it is that normally our eureka moments happen in morning when we are not fully awake nor asleep, like having a dream that is as good as experiencing reality. 

6) Investors - Certainly one last thing that is very important for anyone who aspires to be as big names as I have mentioned.They surely need an investor who could fund their idea. A simple way is to build a prototype and present it to big giants who can provide the funds and infrastructure for the development of your idea if it's really worth it !! 

These are my observations after reading about these great innovators. I feel if someone really wants to do a great inventions then they should surely possess these skills and move ahead with their idea.

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